Sacrament of Marriage
In the marriage ceremony, the baptised man and woman confer the sacrament of marriage on each other in the presence of a priest as they make their vows and exchange ring(s). It follows that the two people involved should be mature enough to give full and free consent to the promises they are making. They should also be open to the possibility of having children and bringing them up according to the teaching of Catholic Church. Through the Sacrament of Marriage, the presence of the priest signifies that they are inviting God into their marriage, not only to give His blessing, but also to be a real participant in their new relationship, with all its joys, sorrows, and challenges. The marriage then becomes a path to holiness and the small domestic community that it creates becomes a mirror and sign of the community of the Holy Trinity, and also of Christ’s commitment to, and union with, his Church.
The modern process of preparation for this sacrament is well worth investing in and will give you both a good insight into what Marriage means within your faith life as well as for the two of you as a married couple ready to spend the rest of your lives together.